Monday, 17 December 2012

Darkfall Online: Unholy Wars BETA!

Today is the day, tu tu tu.... tu, tu tu tu... tu, tu tu tu... tu, etc...

Today is the day for DF:UW NDA beta or another delay. I think we will get a bit of both... a bad beta launch or semi-delays which will take it into the high a.m.'s (nothing that 1 or 2 days won't fix).

Although the pre-order process went very smoothly, I still think they don't present their menu options in the most intuitive way. BUT I managed to pre-order which is much more than I managed to do in the original launch of Darkfall, where I spent 2 weeks F5ing to try and purchase an account.

I reserved my nick 'Thaliost Riverblade' so as to strike fear in the hearts of my enemies! ... lol

After downloading the dfuw.exe file, I wasn't able to login which was due to the 'Server error: NetSSLError'. Checking forums, this appears to be a problem with Windows 7 64bit, and is fixed by downloading Service Pack 1 from Microsoft. Which I did to the tune of 900 mb (but it d/l really quickly).

The lobby worked and started patching up for 1 whole day. I have version or something like that and a DFUW folder of 6.12GB.

Cyaz in-game or not :D

[EU] Immortals are also recruiting. We have like 40 members for darkfall and are allied with another clan. Check us out at

If there is another delay, many of us are playing Dota2, while hearing on mumble: dota dota dota dota dota dota dota dota dota, etc. to brighten up the day!